Disadvantages of Excessive Mobile Phone Use

Today technology has made our lives easier and more comfortable. While this massive advancement in technology has brought benefits, its overuse has many side effects.

The world can now be said to be in the palm through the internet. And the world's smallest and most portable device that can be carried in the palm is a smartphone.

According to a study, excessive mobile use can lead to a variety of physical and mental problems among users.

Today's article discusses in detail the harmful aspects of excessive mobile use.

The Disadvantages Of Using Extra Mobile

Disadvantages of Excessive Mobile Use

Smartphone Addiction

A recent study in the United States found that a college student uses an average of 10 hours a day on the phone. It could be browsing the internet or reading PDF files or messaging.

The funny thing is that they don't talk to anyone all day long as they exchange messages with different social sites.

Another study found that three out of every five smartphone users in the United States could not have checked their phones more than 60 minutes at a time.

This is more or less the case with smartphone users all over the world. If someone is told to stay without a phone, then there is a kind of fear in him, which psychologists call nomophobia.

Disadvantages of Excessive Mobile Use

Back Pain Problem

According to the British Chiropractic Association, spinal problems, including back pain, have increased dramatically in young people over the past few years.

According to a 2015 statistic, 45% of young people between the ages of 18 and 24 suffer from various spinal problems, including back pain.

The reason, they say, is that this is due to the increased pressure on the polar cord and this number has increased by 60% compared to 2014. However, in this case, they are blaming the various texting on the smartphone.

According to a 2014 study, the angle at which we bend our spine when we text and the amount of pressure it puts on the spine is equal to 50 pounds, which is the same as the weight of a healthy normal seven-year-old child.

Disadvantages of Excessive Mobile Use

Vision Problems

Another notable problem with excessive mobile use is that it can damage our eyesight.
The blue light of the smartphone is harmful to our retina. Excessive use of smartphones for long periods of time can cause severe damage to the retina. In medical science, it is called macular degeneration.

A person with macular degeneration can lose a lot of their eyesight and it can slowly push anyone to blindness forever.

The blue light of the smartphone falls directly on our eyes and using it too close increases the chances of damaging the retina of the eye.

According to a survey, 55% of 2,000 people admitted that they felt discomfort in their eyes after using the phone for a while. So set a specific time to use the smartphone to protect the precious eye.

It cannot be used excessively and as long as you use it, follow the 20-20-20 rule. This means that after using the smartphone every 20 minutes, you will look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

This will give some relief to the eyes and reduce the pressure on the eyes. Also, try to keep all the foods that keep the eyesight on the daily food menu.

Disadvantages of Excessive Mobile Use

Nerve Problems

Smartphones are also responsible for nervous problems. Excessive mobile use causes the nerves that connect to the brain from the beginning of our spine to contract under extra pressure or to be damaged in other ways.

This can lead to migraine problems with severe headaches. This problem is called Occipital Neuralgia.

Disadvantages of Excessive Mobile Use

Anxiety And Frustration

Excessive use of smartphones will not only cause physical or mental problems but will also make you mentally anxious and frustrated.

As you go to social sites, you may see instant updates from everyone, which will cause you various kinds of mental anguish, including inferior complexity.

Acknowledging your own failures will reduce your ability to try again. Will make you frustrated.

In addition, playing extra games on the smartphone will not allow you to do much of the necessary work properly. Rather, these addictions will keep you away from people socially, which is a big obstacle in the way of smooth mental development.

Disadvantages of Excessive Mobile Use


Excessive mobile usage means everyone will always think you are affordable. Think calls, texts, social media notifications, emails you can reply at any time.

But this idea is completely wrong. Rather you will have nothing to say about any specific working time for it, which will create stress for you.

We want to keep in touch with the world by using smartphones. But its excessive use increases the distance more than all the communication with all of us. Lets us alone.

Disadvantages of Excessive Mobile Use

Sleep Disturbances

According to a 2013 survey, 83% of people between the ages of 18 and 29 carry their smartphones or tablets to bed at bedtime, and 30% of people between the ages of 30 and 64 do the same.

The point is, according to a study published in 2015, a double espresso coffee can't sleep as much as the blue light on a phone or tablet disturbs sleep before going to bed.

Although no one goes to bed with a double espresso coffee before we go to bed. But I just take the phone or tablet.

Disadvantages of Excessive Mobile Use

Bacterial Sanctuary

According to a study by the University of Arizona in the United States, our smartphone contains 10 times more bacteria than the number of bacteria on the surface of a toilet seat.

Our toilets are cleaned regularly but smartphones are not. And no matter how clean the toilet seat is, we must not rub anyone's face there.

But we keep the phone in our hands all day without cleaning it properly, we actually put the call in the mouth.

Disadvantages of Excessive Mobile Use

Creating Negative Feelings

In 2011, a survey was conducted on about one thousand students of 10 universities. They were kept away from smartphones, laptops, and social sites for 24 hours.

As a result, most of the students were physically and emotionally broken. They seemed to be much more alone. Even many could not stay away for 24 hours in the end.

Disadvantages of Excessive Mobile Use

Hearing Problems

Another bad aspect of excessive mobile use is hearing problems. Usually chatting on a smartphone, browsing is not likely to cause any damage to your ears.

But if you use headphones too much to talk or listen to music, it's time for you to be careful.

Inside our ears are tiny hairy objects. Its job is to send chemical signals to the brain through various nerves.

The sound of high volume damages these hairs. The question may arise here as to what is meant by high volume.

According to the Dangerous Decibels Public Health Campaign, high volume noise is more than 75 decibels, which can damage our hearing.

The headphones used in smartphones have a maximum volume of 105 decibels, which is similar to the sound produced in concert. Listening to music at this maximum volume for more than four minutes can cause severe damage to the ears and hearing.

Even if one reduces the volume to 94 decibels, the noise can damage the ear for more than 1 hour in a row. In addition to these, there are many more harmful effects of excessive mobile use.


Just as moderate use of technology can make our lives a lot easier, excessive use of it harms us and that harm is not limited to a personal level.

It has a noticeable bad effect on everything from personal to family, social. Excessive use of smartphones can bring many unintended dangers.

Excessive use of it can lead to family and social unrest, including various car accidents. So we should be very careful about this.

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